ceramic kiln types 1

Kiln is an indispensable and important piece of equipment in the ceramic manufacturing process. Its performance and selection are directly related to the quality and production efficiency of ceramic products. With the development of the ceramic industry, various types of kilns have appeared on the market, including tunnel kilns, shuttle kilns, roller kilns, etc. Each kiln has its unique characteristics and range of applications, so choosing the right kiln is crucial for ceramic manufacturers.

Different Types of Kilns

Tunnel Kiln: A tunnel kiln is a continuous kiln with a long tunnel structure. It is characterized by uniform firing temperature and a short firing cycle, making it suitable for large-scale and continuous production. Tunnel kilns are suitable for producing flat ceramic products such as ceramic tiles and floor tiles.

셔틀 킬른: A shuttle kiln is an intermittent kiln with a structure similar to a train car and can perform reciprocating motion. The shuttle kiln has the characteristics of high-temperature control accuracy and high thermal efficiency. It is suitable for producing small batches of ceramic products with high precision requirements, such as art ceramics.

Roller Kiln: Roller kiln uses rollers as conveyor belts, and the products roll through the rollers for firing. The roller kiln has the advantages of fast firing speed, high production efficiency, and uniform heating. It is especially suitable for the production of large, heavy or thin ceramic products, such as ceramic tiles, porcelain plates, etc.

Advantages and Shortcoming of Different Kilns

Tunnel Kiln

터널 가마
터널 가마


  • Large production scale: Tunnel kilns are generally suitable for large-scale production and can produce a large number of items, such as ceramics, glass, cement and other products, to meet the needs of mass production.
  • High firing efficiency: The tunnel kiln can achieve continuous production, its firing efficiency is high, and it can continuously and stably provide the required products.
  • High-temperature control accuracy: The kiln temperature control accuracy of tunnel kilns is generally high and can be controlled within ±5°C, which is beneficial to ensuring the stability of product quality.
  • Uniform temperature distribution in the kiln: Due to the design and heating method of the tunnel kiln, the temperature distribution in the kiln is uniform, which can ensure that the product is heated evenly during the firing process and reduce the defective rate.
  • Good product quality: Since the temperature distribution of the tunnel kiln is uniform and stable, the product quality is good, and the color, smoothness and other appearance quality of the product can be guaranteed.
  • Low energy consumption: Because the heat of the tunnel kiln is concentrated on the materials, it heats up and cools down quickly, which can save electricity and reduce energy consumption.


  • High investment costs: The construction and operating costs of tunnel kilns are relatively high and may be unaffordable for small-scale manufacturers.
  • Easily affected by the environment: The operation of the tunnel kiln is easily affected by environmental factors such as weather, such as rainfall, typhoons and other weather conditions that may affect the operation of the kiln.
  • Environmental issues: Traditional tunnel kilns use fossil fuels such as oil and coal for heating. The flue gas produced contains a large amount of harmful gases such as carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide, which seriously pollute the environment. However, with the strengthening of environmental protection policies, the use of advanced flue gas treatment technology can reduce environmental pollution.

셔틀 킬른

셔틀 킬른
셔틀 가마


  • Great operational flexibility: The shuttle kiln has the flexibility of a general down-flame kiln and can meet the needs of multiple varieties of production.
  • Improved working conditions: The loading and unloading of the kiln and partial cooling of the products can be carried out outside the kiln, which improves the working conditions.
  • Shortened turnaround time: Operation outside the kiln can shorten the kiln’s turnaround time and improve production efficiency.


  • High heat consumption: Due to intermittent firing, the kiln has large heat storage and heat dissipation losses, and the flue gas temperature is high, resulting in high heat consumption. However, this shortcoming has been greatly improved in the new energy-saving shuttle kiln by improving the masonry structure of the kiln body and adding an exhaust gas waste heat utilization device.
  • Relatively low automation: Compared to continuous kilns, shuttle kilns may be less automated and require more manual operations.
  • Please note that when selecting a kiln, factors such as product type, production scale, production cycle and cost budget should be comprehensively considered to ensure that the selected kiln can meet production needs and maximize production efficiency and product quality.

Roller Kiln

롤러 킬른
롤러 킬른


  • Uniform temperature: The roller kiln can heat the upper and lower rollers at the same time to ensure a uniform temperature in the kiln and make the blank heated more evenly.
  • No refractory materials required: The roller kiln does not need to use refractory materials such as kiln cars and saggers during operation, which reduces costs.
  • Short production cycle: The product’s firing cycle is relatively short, which improves production efficiency.
  • Low fuel consumption: Due to the uniform temperature in the kiln and high heating efficiency, the fuel consumption of the roller kiln is relatively low.


  • Load-bearing and width limitations: Kiln width and load-bearing are limited by the high-temperature performance of the rollers, which may not be suitable for firing large or heavy products.
  • Difficulty in dealing with clogging: It is difficult to handle the product after it is clogged in the kiln.
  • Scratching problem: Although the design of roller kilns is constantly improving, the scraping problem has not yet been completely solved.

How to Choose Kiln for Your Factory

Choosing a suitable kiln requires consideration of many factors, including product type, production scale, production cycle, cost budget, etc. Here are some suggestions for your consideration:

  1. Production Scale
    For large-scale production, tunnel kilns or roller kilns should be selected to improve production efficiency and reduce costs.
    Small-scale, multi-variety production can choose a shuttle kiln to meet flexible production needs.
  2. Product Type
    The production of ceramic tiles and floor tiles is suitable for tunnel kilns or roller kilns.
    Art ceramics, laboratory ceramics, etc. are suitable for shuttle kilns.
  3. Energy Efficiency
    Consider the energy consumption of the kiln and choose an energy-saving kiln to reduce production costs.
  4. Degree of Automation
    Highly automated kilns can significantly improve production efficiency and reduce labor costs.
    Choose the appropriate automation level based on the actual needs of the factory.
  5. Maintenance and Repair
    Choose a kiln with a simple structure and easy maintenance to reduce downtime and maintenance costs.
  6. Pay attention to the production cycle
    Manufacturers with short production cycles can choose kilns with fast firing speeds, such as roller kilns. Manufacturers that do not have high production cycle requirements can choose kilns with more stable firing temperatures and higher precision, such as shuttle kilns.
  7. Reasonable budget costs
    The price of a kiln varies depending on factors such as model, brand, technology, and more. Choose the right kiln within your budget to ensure a return

In Conclusion

Choosing the right kiln is crucial for ceramic manufacturers. When selecting a kiln, factors such as product type, production scale, production cycle, and cost budget should be fully considered to ensure that the selected kiln can meet production needs and improve production efficiency and product quality.

As a ceramic machinery manufacturer, Yutai specializes in the production of ceramic fully automatic and semi-automatic machinery. For more than 10 years, it has cooperated with many ceramic factories around the world. We are committed to providing customers with the highest quality kiln equipment and services and look forward to cooperating with you.

ceramic machine manufacturer


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