세라믹 성형기

For new factories or factories planning to expand and upgrade, choosing the right ceramic forming machines is crucial. This not only affects production efficiency and product quality, but also relates to production costs and long-term development. As a professional ceramic machine manufacturer, Yutai provides a full range of ceramic forming machines as well as fully automatic ceramic forming production lines. In this article, we’ll describe these ceramic-forming machines and help you choose the most suitable solution.

Ceramic Forming Process

Ceramic forming is a complex process, including clay making, ceramic forming through high pressure, rolling, or casting, and finally preliminary scrubbing of the formed body. The main mechanical equipment used in the molding process will be introduced in detail below.

Key Equipment of Ceramic Forming Machine

1. Vacuum Plaster Mixer: Slurry preparation

  • Function: Used to prepare ceramic slurry to ensure uniformity and appropriate viscosity of the slurry. The vacuum function can remove air bubbles and improve the quality of molded products.
  • Advantages: Significantly improve the density and surface finish of ceramic products, and reduce the defect rate of finished products.
진공 석고 믹서

2. 공기 다이어프램 펌프: Stock transfer

  • Function: Used to transport and process ceramic slurry, and transport the ceramic slurry from the mixer to the forming machine. Ensure uniformity and stability.
  • Advantages: It can transport slurry efficiently and stably, avoiding sedimentation and stratification.
공기 다이어프램 펌프

3. 클레이 커터 기계: Material preparation for jiggering

  • Function: Prepare the corresponding shape of mud for the jiggering machine
  • Process: Cut the raw mud into suitable blocks through a mud cutter to facilitate subsequent molding processing.
클레이 커터 기계

4. Various Forming Machines

Ceramic press machine

  • Principle: Put the powder into the mold cavity, apply pressure through the indenter, compact the powder in the mold cavity, and form a ceramic blank with a certain strength and shape.
  • Applicable products: Suitable for producing ceramic tableware with regular shapes and precise dimensions, such as plates, bowls and cups.
  • Advantages: fast molding speed, high product density, high dimensional accuracy, suitable for mass production.
세라믹 프레스 기계

Jiggering machine

  • Principle: A rotating roller head is used to roll the blank in a model that rotates in the same direction, and the blank is spread out evenly to form a green body.
  • Applicable products: Suitable for producing complex-shaped ceramic tableware, such as plates and bowls with patterns.
  • Advantages: Ability to achieve complex surface textures and shapes, high production flexibility.
지깅 머신
세라믹 지거 기계

Ceramic slip-casting machine

  • Principle: Inject the mud into the plaster model, and use the water absorption of the plaster model to gradually reduce the water in the mud to achieve the purpose of dehydration molding.
  • Applicable products: Suitable for the production of thin-walled and fine-structured ceramic tableware, such as teapots, coffee cups and vases.
  • Advantages: It is suitable for producing products with complex shapes and thin wall thickness, and there is less material loss during the production process.
슬립 캐스팅 기계

5. Grinding and Polish Machine: The final cleaning of the wheels

  • Function: Used to clean and process ceramic bodies, remove excess slurry and impurities, and ensure the cleanliness of the body.
  • Advantages: Improve the finish and quality of finished products, reduce the labor intensity of manual cleaning, and improve production efficiency.
Ceramic Polish Machine

6. Automatic Ceramic Forming Production Line

  • Function: Covers every step from clay cutting, shaping, drying and trimming, and can be seamlessly integrated with the glazing production line to form a fully automated production line.
  • Advantages: It greatly improves production efficiency, reduces labor costs, and ensures product quality consistency. It is an ideal choice for large-scale production.
자동 세라믹 식기 생산 라인

How to Choose the Ceramic Forming Machine

Choosing the right forming machinery requires comprehensive consideration of production needs, product characteristics, investment budget and other factors. Here are some key suggestions:

1. Clarify Production Needs

  • If your factory mainly produces high-volume, standardized ceramic tableware, then ceramic press machines and automatic ceramic forming production lines are ideal choices.
  • If you need to produce ceramic tableware of diverse and complex designs, jigging machines and slip-casting machines will provide greater flexibility and precision.

2. Consider Product Features

  • Ceramic press machine: suitable for producing standardized products such as ceramic cups, bowls, plates, and saucers with regular shapes and precise dimensions.
  • Ceramic jigging machine: suitable for producing plates, bowls and other products with complex surface textures.
  • Ceramic slip-casting machine: suitable for producing thin-walled and fine-structured teapots, coffee cups, vases and other products.

3. Evaluate the Investment Budget

  • The initial investment of a fully automatic ceramic molding production line is relatively high, but in long-term operation, it can significantly reduce labor costs and improve production efficiency.
  • The initial investment in ceramic press machines, ceramic jigging machines and slip molding machines is relatively low and is more suitable for small and medium-sized production enterprises.

4. Understand Technical Support

Choose a supplier with good after-sales service and technical support to ensure that the equipment can be maintained and upgraded in a timely manner during use. Yutai ceramic machine manufacturer, specializing in the production of ceramic machines for more than 20 years, providing professional ceramic factory solutions to more than 100 countries. Welcome to contact us to learn more about technical support.


Ceramic forming machinery is the core equipment for the production of ceramic products. It is crucial to choose the appropriate molding machine based on your own factory conditions. As a ceramic machinery manufacturer, we are committed to providing customers with the highest quality ceramic machines and comprehensive technical support to help customers improve production efficiency, reduce costs, and gain competitive advantages in the market.

If you want to know more about ceramic forming machines or seek professional advice and solutions, please feel free to contact us. Let us work together to promote the innovation and development of the ceramic tableware industry!


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